Saturday, April 12 at 4:30 pm
Sunday, April 13 at 8 am and 10:30 am
Thursday, April 17 - Mass of the Lord’s
Supper at 6 pm
Friday, April 18 - Passion of the
Lord/Veneration of the Cross at 3 pm
Saturday, April 19 - Easter Vigil TBD
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday at 8 am
and 10:30 am
Attention Liturgical Ministers: please register to assist in the above Masses using the link in our weekly eblasts.
Stations of the Cross
Friday during Lent (except Good Friday, April 18th) at 9:30 am and at 7:00 pm in our Sanctuary.
Lenten Boxes for St. Vincent de Paul
Thank you so much for your participation! During Holy Week, please change the money into bills or a check (list St. Vincent de Paul on the memo line) and place in the collection box which will be in the Narthex.
Praying for Those Struggling with their Faith.
During Lent, the Millions of Monica's prayer group is offering prayers for relatives and friends of parishioners who are struggling with or have abandoned their Catholic faith. Enter names green book on the center table in the Narthex.
Bishop Martin is asking all parishioners, ages 18+, to take a short confidential survey. CLICK HERE to take the 10-15 minute survey. If possible, please take them online, if not paper copies are available at the Welcome Desk.
Thank you to the 306 parishioners who have completed surveys thus far. Online surveys close on April 8th!
Join us on Thursday, March 27th in Fellowship Hall at 10:15 am to learn the 8 Steps to Falls Prevention with Leigha Jordan, Injury Prevention Coordinator at the Moses Cone Hospital Trauma Center. Falls are the number one cause for admission into our trauma center. Essential to seniors and caregivers alike. More details in the bulletin.
Join fellow parishioners on this family friendly walk at LeBauer Park to benefit the Pregnancy Network.
To find out more information about participating or to donate to this worthy cause click here.
To donate blood click here to sign up.
To volunteer to help on the day of the drive or to donate refreshments click here
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church is a community formed into the Body of Christ through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and the gospels. From this foundation, we seek to share the love of Christ with our neighbor through service, works of charity, and fellowship.
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