(St paul's youth)


SPY is open to all parish teens and their friends.

We offer programs throughout the year for all ages.

SPY Weekly Activities

Welcome to St. Paul's Youth group! Using Catholic apologetics as our guide, our goal for SPY this year is to teach you how to defend our faith, and to get you involved in fun social, service, and learning activities that dive deeply into our Catholic faith traditions. These sessions will most often be held after the 10:30 am Mass. Some service projects and social outings will take us off of St Paul’s campus. Sign-ups for regular SPY Sunday sessions after Mass, and for service and social events, will be done using Sign-up Genius. This is separate from your Sunday morning Faith Formation classes, and is open to all those in 6th-12th grades. High School teens, you may come to these SPY events regardless of whether or not you attend Sunday morning class in between the masses.  Every session will include catechesis, a chance to earn service hours for those in grades 11 and 12, lunch, time for socializing, and fun!

SPY Events

SPY Service and Parish-wide Events:

  • Oktoberfest
  • All Saints Day Party
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Advent College Care Packs
  • Assist Meals on Wheels Project
  • Christmas Gifts to Homebound Parishioners
  • Bake Sale
  • Pancake Breakfast
  • Lenten Fasting Retreat and Food Drive
  • Easter Egg Scramble
  • Summer Mission and Pilgrimage Trip

Parent participation is required for each family registering their child in Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. Our Diocese requires parents be certified through CMG Connect. Use this volunteer link for registration instructions.

Click Here to Register
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