Vacation Bible School 

June 23rd - 27th 2025, 9am to noon

Get ready this summer to dive into friendship

with God through the Eucharist.

Camper Cost

Early Registration:

$35 per Camper

$70 max Camper cost per family


Registration after 6/1/25:

$40 per Camper

(no family discount)

Camper fees can be waived if a parent volunteers all week.

Who Can Attend

Students from Pre K (potty trained) through rising 6th grade* are welcome.

*Parents, if you strongly feel your 6th grade student has the maturity to be a responsible volunteer, then you can sign your rising 6th grade student as a Teen Volunteer.

Campers and Volunteers


(Registration for 2025 will open April 1st)

Early Camper Registration ends June 1st

Volunteer Registrations end June 8th

Camper Registrations close June 22nd

More questions?  Contact our Faith Formation Director, Mary Smith, at or call 336.294.4696 ext. 225.

Volunteers Needed!!!

  • Teen Volunteers (rising 7th gr and up) must be able to participate all week. Numbers are limited so sign up early.

  • Adult Volunteers 18+ must complete a background check and Safe Environment Course. See link at the bottom of this page.

Volunteer Positions Available:

  • Set Up/ Decorations: Seeking crafty, creative DIYers! This is ideal for volunteers who are available the week/weekend before VBS. You will assist in building sets, creating scenery with cardboard, paint, and fabric, and hanging decorations from the walls, ceiling, etc. Wear work clothes and sneakers! 

  • AV Technicians: Take photos, operate equipment and work on the slideshow that is shown each morning.

  • Crew Leaders and Helpers: Help chaperone and guide small groups of campers through their railway journey each morning.

  • Kodiak Crafts: Craft Volunteers help kids with a variety of cutting, gluing, painting, string tying, coloring, and writing kids' names on projects. The youngest campers need your help with fine motor skills, while the older campers enjoy the time to connect with teens and talk about their faith. Volunteers help clean up and set up between each group.

  • Wild Bible Adventures: Drama Volunteers play a role in acting out the daily Bible story in front of groups of about 30 kids. You will be given short scripts to learn and act out. Simple costumes will be provided. Volunteers might be asked to help with "special effects" like playing music, turning off lights, or playing sound effects during the skit. At the end of each day you will help change the scenery to help set up for the next day's Bible story.

  • Glacier Games: At this station volunteers will help run and officiate games.

  • Music Leaders / MC: Seeking animated, energetic, confident volunteers! Music Volunteers learn the lyrics and simple choreographed moves to the VBS songs (ideally before VBS week). You will be with other Music Volunteers in front of about 100 campers and crew leaders to sing and model the movements during the opening and closing segments of each day. 

  • Nursery Volunteer: Take care of children of volunteers too young to participate.

  • Navigation Station: This station incorporates special aspects of Catholic tradition. Volunteers assist in a variety of classroom learning activities, including small-group games, storytelling, prayer traditions like rosary or Stations of the Cross, etc. The activities are different from day to day, so this volunteer work is ideal for someone who likes variety, and prefers one-on-one or small-group interaction with kids.

  • Set Up/ Decorations: Seeking crafty, creative DIYers! This is ideal for volunteers who are available the week/weekend before VBS. You will assist in building sets, creating scenery with cardboard, paint, and fabric, and hanging decorations from the walls, ceiling, etc. Wear work clothes and sneakers! 

  • Tundra Treats: Kitchen Volunteers mostly work behind the scenes preparing fun snacks that support the VBS theme of the day. They serve snacks and clean up after each group of kids. A Kitchen Volunteer could be asked to lead the kids in saying grace, or presenting the very brief lesson that goes with snack. 
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