The Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation in the Diocese of Charlotte is celebrated in the 8th grade. Students must be registered parishioners and complete a two year course of preparation which would begin as early as 7th grade. They must have attended Faith Formation consistently from the reception of their First Holy Communion. They must be attending Mass every Sunday with their family, perform service hours and attend two retreats.
A program is also available for students in high school who may not have been confirmed in eighth grade. High school students preparing for this sacrament are expected to be active participants in both youth ministry and catechetical programs in order to receive the sacrament.
A sponsor is required; who must be at least 16 years of age, active in their faith, and have received both Holy Eucharist and Confirmation and be faithfully attending Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. A letter from their Pastor attesting to their being registered parishioners and attending Mass is required if they are not members of St. Paul.
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