We share the joy of expectant parents and look forward to welcoming them for baptismal preparation.
Steps for Baptism at St. Paul’s:
Parents who wish their child to be baptized should be registered members of St. Paul the Apostle parish.
Parents should contactChris Neubauerat extension 219 to begin their preparation and to schedule the celebration of this beautiful sacrament with their child.
Baptism Class is recommended for all parents having a child Baptized.
Letters of Eligibility for Godparents are due before a baptism may be scheduled. (See below for requirements.)
Godparent Requirements:
Must be at least 16 years old and Confirmed.
May have one but two are preferred.
If two, then one of each sex is required.
One must be a practicing, Confirmed Catholic with certification from their current parish (if not from St. Paul’s).
If the other Godparent is a Christian Witness (not Catholic), then they must be a baptized Christian practicing their faith in a faith community.
All Godparents must be certified by the parish/church which they attend.
Honorary Godparents (additional godparents beyond 2) are allowed, however only 2 godparents will be listed in the Sacramental Register and on the Baptism Certificate.
A proxy may be used for a godparent who cannot be present, but the Godparent still must submit their certification.
Parents may not serve as godparents however, sisters, brothers, or grandparents may as long as they meet the above requirements.