Adult Bible Study


Sundays 9am

Between the Masses

Parish Life Center

Looking for somewhere to go while your children are at Faith Formation?  Wanting something more before or after Mass?  "The Search" found on begins September 8th. This group meets each weekend Faith Formation meets. Join us for fellowship and a fruitful discussion. No sign up required.

Tuesdays 9am

The Bible & The Church Fathers, and

The Early Church

via Zoom

This study begins Tuesday, March 4th. Videos will be streamed on your own time and be discussed over Zoom on Tuesday mornings from 9 am to 11:30 am. The First study guide is $24.95 and can be purchased at

Tuesdays 6pm


in a Year

in the PLC Lounge

and on Zoom

The Catechism in a Year Discussion Class began on Tuesday January 16th but whether you are up to date, have fallen behind or haven't started, come talk, listen, discuss and learn more about what God is trying to tell us and what we as His people should do to come to Him.

Wednesdays 9:30 am


in the Parish Life Center

Nourish the body, mind and soul with a prayer experience that combines the prayers of the rosary with core strengthening, stretching and functional movement.  No fitness level or experience required.  All are welcome!  Visit for more information about the program.  Dress in comfortable clothing and bring a fitness mat if you have one.

Wednesdays 7:00 pm

Men's Study

The Fight of Faith

in Fellowship Hall

The Fight of Faith begins Wednesday September 11th. Join the group in Fellowship Hall for this wonderful study.

TMIY - The Fight of Faith (

Thursdays 10:30 am

Women's Study

Walking with God

PLC Lounge

On September 12th, 2024 the Thursday Morning Scripture and Prayer Group will be starting "Walking with God," a journey through the Bible. The book can be purchased on Amazon. We meet in the PLC Lounge 10:30 to 12:30. We end our meeting with the recitation of the rosary. We welcome any women  interested in joining our group for this study. 

Would you like to join or facilitate a Bible Study?

Contact our Director of Faith Formation, Mary Smith at extension 225.

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