Families often want plenty of time to review and choose readings and musical selections for Funeral Masses. The musical selections below, in conjunction with the funeral planning book you received from the church, allow you to do this from the comfort of your home. You can take as much time as needed before your meeting with the planning committee at the church. As stated in the planning book, make one selection each for prelude (optional), entrance, offertory, communion, meditation (optional), and recessional. Review the selections and write your choice on a separate piece of paper. Bring this to your meeting with the planning committee.
Note: The links below are not St. Paul musicians or instrumentation. They are here to simply present the text and melody. If a link fails to function correctly, please let us know.
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus – HYFRYDOL: A majestic opening or closing hymn with themes of the resurrection and Christ as the Victor over death. (Not used during Lent)
- Amazing Grace – Newton: A traditional funeral selection.
- At the Cross Her Station Keeping – STABAT MATER: An important historical text from the 13th century set to a easy-to-sing melody contemplating the Blessed Mother’s experience at the cross.
- Ave Maria – Bach/Gounod: a well-known setting of the Ave Maria
- Ave Maria – Norbet: A more contemporary setting of the Ave Maria often done here at St. Paul the Apostle
- Ave Maria – Schubert: another well known setting
- Awake, O Sleeper – Ndolo: A contemporary setting of a text that highlights reading selection OT-6. “Awake, O sleeper, rise from slumber, Christ is calling your name.” In addition to selection OT-6, it also highlights themes in selection G-3, G-6
- Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death – AZMON: An uplifting, traditional hymn tune with meaningful text. “Awake, O sleeper, rise from death, and Christ shall give you light. So learn his love its length and breadth, its fullness, depth and height.” “For us Christ lived, for us he died and conquered in the strife. Awake, arise, go forth in faith, and Christ shall give you life.” (Link is for the melody only, it shows different text.) Thematically linked to reading selection OT-6, G-3, G-6, G-15
- Be Not Afraid – Dufford: Contemplative hymn that pairs well with reading selection G-2. “Come follow me, and I will give you rest.”
Blest Are They – Haas: A piano-based setting of the Beatitudes. Links to reading selection G-1.
- Come to Me – Joncas: Although not well known, please consider this hymn if you’ve chosen Gospel selection G-2. It is an easy-to-sing, memorable restatement of this exact Gospel passage and would be a wonderful musical reflection on it.
- Crown Him With Many Crowns – DIADEMATA: Well-known hymn suitable for nearly any component. “Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne.” “Crown him the Lord of life, who triumphed o’er the grave.” Relates thematically to OT-1, NT-1, NT-3.
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled – Haas: This melodic setting of the 14th chapter of John complements reading selection G-17. It is also a way to include this important passage into the liturgy if another Gospel selection is chosen. The simple yet beautiful melody is learned rapidly “Do not let your hearts be troubled, have faith in God and faith in Me.” In addition to selection G-17, it relates thematically to OT-3, NT-12, NT-13.
Eat This Bread – Berthier: A communion hymn incorporating quotes and themes from Gospel selection G-13. “Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in me and you will not thirst.”
- Eye Has Not Seen – Haugen: “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God has ready for those who love him.” Themes relating to reading selections OT-3, NT-5, NT-15, G-18.
- God Is Love – ABBOT’S LEIGH: Well-known, traditional hymn that relates thematically to NT-16.
Healer of Our Every Ill – Haugen: A contemplative hymn concerning hope in the midst of sorrow. “Healer of our every ill, light of each tomorrow, give us peace beyond our fear and hope beyond our sorrow.” Themes relating to reading selections OT-5, G-6, G-15.
I Am the Bread of Life – Talbot: A lesser-known setting of an “I Am the Bread of Life” text. Relates thematically to selection G-13.
I Am the Bread of Life – Toolan: A musical setting of reading selections G-12 and G-13. Also relates thematically to selections OT-6, G-6.
I Have Loved You – Joncas: Well-known, contemplative hymn. Relates to NT-7.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives – DUKE STREET: A well-known melody with text based on Job 19:25 (reading selection OT-1). “I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy the blest assurance gives! He lives, He lives, who once was dead; He lives, my ever living head.” “He lives to silence all my fears; He lives to wipe away my tears; He lives to calm my troubled heart; He lives all blessings to impart.” In addition to OT-1, relates thematically to many readings including NT-4L, NT-4S, NT-5, NT-8L, NT-8S, NT-9, NT-13, NT-14, G-9L, G-9s, G-14L, G-14S, G-15.
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth – Handel: A solo cantor selection from Handel’s famous oratorio, Messiah, with text largely based on reading selection OT-1. A beautiful, contemplative prelude or meditation after communion. In addition to OT-1, relates thematically to many readings including NT-4L, NT-4S, NT-5, NT-8L, NT-8S, NT-9, NT-13, NT-14, G-9L, G-9s, G-14L, G-14S.
In the Breaking of the Bread – Hurd: A communion hymn referencing Gospel selections G-10L and G-10S. “In the breaking of the bread, we have known him.”
Jerusalem, My Happy Home – LAND OF REST: A well-known melody with a text expressing hope for an arrival in the heavenly homeland. Relates to selections NT-10, NT-11, NT-12, NT-19.
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today – EASTER HYMN: A well-known, joyful hymn with themes relating to selections OT-1, NT-1, NT-3, NT-4L, NT-4S, NT-5, NT-8L, NT-8S, NT-9, NT-13, NT-14, G-5L, G-5S, G-9L, G-9s, G-14L, G-14S, G-15. (Not used during Lent)
Jesus, Remember Me – Berthier: A meditative repetition of the text, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Relates thematically to selections G-8.
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee – Beethoven: A well-known, exuberant opening or closing hymn.
- Keep In Mind – Deiss: A contemplative selection. “Keep in mind that Jesus Christ has died for us and is risen from the dead. He is our saving Lord, He is joy for all ages.” Relates thematically to NT-2.
- Lift High the Cross – CRUCIFER: A well-known hymn referencing the triumphant aspects of the crucifixion. Relates thematically with many selections including NT-1, NT-3, NT-4L, NT-4S, NT-5, NT-8L, NT-8S, NT-9, G-5L, G-5S, G-8, G-9L, G-9s, G-14L, G-14S, G-16L, G-16S.
Like a Shepherd – Dufford: A contemplative hymn. “Like a shepherd he feeds his flock and gathers the lambs in his arms, holding them carefully close to his heart, leading them home. Themes relating to reading selections OT-2L, G-2.
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling – HYFRYDOL: A majestic hymn and well-known melody expressing the fulfillment of God’s love for us in His Son, Jesus Christ. Relates thematically to reading selections NT-2, NT-6, NT-15, NT-16, G-18.
- May Saints and Angels Lead You On – TALLIS’ CANON: This musical restatement of the Final Commendation can make for a powerful and moving recessional hymn.
- O Blest Are You – ST. COLUMBA: Organ-based setting of the Beatitudes to a well-known hymn tune. “O blest are you, Christ Jesus said, who know how deep your need. For you I open heaven’s door, where earthly wants are freed.” Pairs with reading selection G-1. Poor recording quality in the link, but still shows text and melody.
- O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God – ST. COLUMBA: A well-known hymn. “O breathe on me, o breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love the things you love, and do what you would do.” Relates thematically to many readings especially NT-5.
O God, Our Help in Ages Past – ST. ANNE: A joyful yet comforting hymn. “O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home.” Themes relating to reading selections OT-2L
- O Holy City, Seen of John – MORNING SONG: A traditional hymn referencing John’s vision in reading selection NT-19.
- Of the Father’s Love Begotten – DIVINUM MYSTERIUM: An ancient hymn telling of the incarnation of God’s Love. Relates thematically with NT-15, G-18.
Only This I Want – Schutte: “Only this I want, is to know the Lord…all but this is loss.” Relates thematically to selections NT-10, NT-11.
- Prayer of St. Francis (Make Me a Channel) – Temple: Relates thematically to selection NT-16, G-4.
Psalm 31: Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit – Alstott: This powerful quote from Gospel selections G-9L and G-9S can be sung in Psalm format during Communion or as a meditation. The cantor would sing the verses with congregation joining on “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Also connected thematically to selections G-14L, and G-14S.
- Purify My Heart – Doerksen: A gentle hymn that reflects on a portion of reading selections OT-2L and OT-2S namely, “As gold in the furnace he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings, he took them to himself.” Text of the hymn includes “Purify my heart, let me be as gold and precious silver…Refiner’s fire, my heart’s one desire is to be holy.”
- Rejoice, the Lord Is King – DARWALL’S 148TH: A majestic, triumphant hymn. “Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice again I say, rejoice!” Connects very well with the last line of reading selection OT-4.
- Shepherd Me, O God – Haugen: A somber, moving setting of Psalm 23. It is lengthy and would fit well as a post-communion meditation. Based on the text of selection RP-1.
- Table Song – Haas: “We are the body of Christ…promise of life after death.” Relates thematically to NT-7.
Take and Eat – Joncas: A communion hymn with strong connections to Gospel selection G-13.
- Take Up your Cross – ERHALT UNS HERR: A traditional organ-based hymn that restates much of Gospel selections G-16L and G-16S.
- Take Up Your Cross – Haas: A more contemporary restatement of Gospel selections G-16L and G-16S.
The King of Love My Shepherd Is – ST. COLUMBA: This hymn, based on the text of Psalm 23, will be a melody recognized by most in attendance. In addition to being a way to incorporate Psalm 23 into another musical selection, the theme related well to reading selections OT-2L, OT-2S, RP-1, NT-6.
- The Servant Song – Gillard: Relates thematically to selection NT-16, G-4.
- The Strife Is O’er – VICTORY: A heroic and joyful hymn. “The strife is o’er, the battle done; now is the Victor’s triumph won.” “O Risen Lord, all praise to thee, who from our sin has set us free, that we may live eternally! Alleluia!” Themes relating to reading selections OT-1, NT-5, NT-8L, NT-8S, NT-9, NT-13, NT-14.
- To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King – ICH GLAUB AN GOTT: A triumphant hymn. “To Jesus Christ, our Sovereign King, Who is the world’s salvation…” “Christ Jesus victor, Christ Jesus ruler, Christ Jesus Lord and Redeemer!” Themes relating to reading selections OT-1, NT-1, NT-3, NT-4L, NT-4S, NT-5, NT-8L, NT-8S, NT-9, NT-13, NT-14, G-9L, G-9s, G-14L, G-14S, G-15.
- Two Were Bound for Emmaus – KENMARE: A memorable and singable re-telling of Gospel selections G-10L and G-10S. Worth considering if choosing these Gospel passages.
Unless a Grain of Wheat – Farrell: “Unless a grain of wheat should fall, upon the ground and die…” Quotes “If we have died with Him, then we shall live with Him, if we hold firm we shall reign with Him” from passage NT-14. Also relates thematically to selections G-16L and G-16S.
We Shall Rise Again – Young: A lesser known, triumphant hymn combining the well-known Gospel passage “Come to me, all you weary…take my yoke on your shoulders” with the refrain “We shall rise again on the last day.” Relates thematically to reading selections OT-7, NT-12, NT-13, G-6, G-12, G-14L, G-14S, G-15.
- We Walk By Faith – Haugen: Quotes ” we walk by faith and not by sight” from reading selection NT-11.
- What Wondrous Love Is This – TRADITIONAL: Well-known hymn. Relates thematically to NT-2, G-5L, G-5S, G-8.
- Whatsoever You Do – Jabusch: Relates thematically to selection G-4.
- With the Lord – Joncas: A plea to God in the midst of sorrow. The text is based on Psalm 130 (reading selection RP-9). If you did not select this as your Psalm, this selection is a way to include it musically in another part of the liturgy. “Out of the depths I call to you…with the Lord, there is mercy and the fullness of redemption.” Themes relate to reading selections OT-5, RP-9.
You Are Mine – Haas: “Do not be afraid, I am with you…I love you and you are mine.” Relates thematically to NT-6.
- Your Words Are Spirit and Life – Farrell: A contemplative hymn highlighting the first verse of Gospel selection G-11.